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PPDT IMAGE SOLUTION {Bridge Construction}

Situation Reaction Test

             Situation Reaction Test {SRT}
  • 60 Situations are given to you.
  • 30 minutes given to you.
  • Think to simple and obvious action
  • Write only 2 to 3 lines
  • Don't avoid situation
  • Use past tense

xample- He has not done well in his CDS written exam , his father asks him to drop the idea all together and try something else. He...
Action Convinced father , worked hard on his short comings and given the exam again and cleared it.

SRT Practice Problems =

1. You are travelling from Delhi to Madras. On the way you discover that you have lost
your ticket as well as your purse. What would you do?

2. You got lottery of Rs 1, 00,000. How would you utilize the money?

3. You are awakened in the mid of night by the shrieks of women. You get up and come
out of your house. Then you see three people coming out of the house of your neighbour and
running away. You know your neighbour is away on tour. What would you do?

4 While returning from the second night, show of cinema on your scooter. You find a
person lying in the middle of the road. What would you do?

5. Your ten years old sister, who normally returns from her school by 5 P.M. has not come
back, it is past 6 P.M. What would you do?

6. You are going for your first job interview in a three wheeler. While passing through the
busy bazaar area, the three wheeler collides with a car. The car owner insists the driver of the
three wheeler to accompany him to the nearby police station. What would you do?

7. You are the President of the Reception Committee of your School/College/Mess. A
variety show and a dinner have been organized in your School/College/Mess this evening.
Many VIPs have been invited. What would you do?

8. The house opposite yours in the street has caught fire. What you would do?

9. You have received a telegram to appear for a job interview after four days in a big city,
which is 1,500 kilometres away from your town. You do not know anybody in that city. What
would you do?

10. You are standing in a queue to purchase a cinema ticket. A tall and well build person
comes and stands before you breaking the queue. What would you do?

11. Your 15 years old younger brother is coming to the big city where you are staying, for the
first time. You have gone to receive him on the railway station and have searched the whole
train by which he was supposed to be arriving. He is not to be found. What would you do?

12. You are studying in a college and staying in its hostel. Two other hostlers’ your friends suggest that you all should go to a movie. But there is no money. They plan to pinch away the
timepiece from another hostler’s room, sell it, and see the movie. What would you do?

13. You have been chosen by your school/College to represent in a debating competition on 
the subject of ‘ARMY A PROFESSION’. What steps would you take to win the competition?

14. You have attained good grading in your Higher Secondary Examination. You want to 
study further but your parents are not in a position to educate you, what would you do? 

15. You are going on a hiking trip with your friends. List the three most important things 
you would like to carry with you? 

16. The three most important qualities of an Army Officer’s personality are?

17. A friend of yours is married and has two school going children. He lost his job about a 
month back. You would: 

18. There is a person who sells smuggled goods. You too, like many others have purchased a 
wristwatch from him. But that does not work. You would: 

19. Your brother wants to get admitted in a medical college but his marks fall short by one 
percent to be eligible for admission. You would: 

20. You have received a telegram that your grandfather, who was staying alone in your native 
village, has expired. Your father is out of station and there is not enough money at home to 
undertake the journey. You would: 

21. You are standing among a group of friends. One of them cracks a joke on your expense. 
You would: 

22. You think that the most important thing in life is: 

23. You work hard because: 

24. When appointed the captain of the football team of your School/College/Unit, you would: 

25. Your friends think that you are:- 

26. To prepare well for a job interview, you would: 

27. A friend of yours, whom you trusted a lot, has betrayed you. You would:

28. While changing train on your way to attend SSB interview, your suitcase containing all
certificates papers, money and ticket got stolen. What would you do?

29. Ram won an expensive watch in a lottery and found it defective. What would he do?

30. You find a small boy drifting in a boat in a river. What would you do?

31. A friend of yours is going to U.S.A. for studies for a period of four years. You want to
give him a present. You would:

32. Your neighbour’s son has passed out of NDA. He is going for training to IMA. He
seeks your advice as to which corps of the Army should he join. You would:

33. You are alone in the house and it is mid of night. You are awakened from sleep by
persistent knocking at the main door at your house. You would:

34. You like to read books because:-

35. A friend of yours has lost all his monthly pay on betting in the horse race. He asks you
to give him Rs 1000/-. You would:

36. Amongst all the Indian personalities, dead or alive, you admire most:-

37. After a long wait you have received your interview call up letter. But on the day of the
interviews you have misplaced your original certificate. You would:

38. Life is worth living because:

39. A friend of your comes to your room to borrow a book. When he goes away, you find that
your wristwatch is missing. You would:

40. A very important meeting is to take place in your office at 10.30 AM. The papers related
to the meeting are in your almirah in the office, and the keys are with you. But you are caught in
the traffic jam caused by procession of a political party. You would:

41. While travelling in train, you find a briefcase, which does not belong to you, among the
items of your luggage. You would:

42. A person is considered a leader when his personality reveals the qualities like:

43. To do away with corruption in public life, you would:

44. You are the captain of your college’s/unit’s football team. An evening before the day
when the team has to play an important match you fall ill. You would:

45. While going a journey you would ensure to carry the following items with you:

46. You think that a neighbour of yours is a foreign spy. You have reported the matter to the
police, but they have done nothing about it. You would:

47. You are returning from your office in the evening. On the road side you see two boys are
fighting with each other. You would:

48. A variety show is being staged in your college/unit. You are in charge of the show. All
of sudden someone from the audience shouts ‘snake’ snake’. You would:

49. You are an unemployed commerce graduate. After a long search you receive an offer
from a private company of the job of sales manager, but the company wants surety of deposit Rs
20,000/- in cash. You don’t have much money. You would:

50. A close relation of yours is seriously injured in communal riots. You would:


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